Endless Ocean, Bottomless Sea
I love the Helsers. They just have a grasp of the love of the Father that comes through their worship. Recently, Jonathan and Melissa released a new extended worship project: It’s worth a listen. His love really is an endless ocean… Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
Israel 12.12.12
Israel 12 12 12 from filmandpaint on Vimeo. So I’ve blogged about the worship/missions trip I took to Israel in 2010 before. This video is a 2012 snapshot of Selah Ministries’ efforts to proclaim, pray, worship and impart the heart of David over the land and people of Israel. It’s an amazing tour and you…
Just Talkin’
Just Talkin’ with Ray Hughes is a great way to hear the heart of Ray Hughes, founder of Selah Ministries. Ray has rearranged my world over the past 10-15 years concerning Davidic worship and how it apples to modern times. In the spring of 2010, a group of musicianary intercessors went to Israel on the…
18 Inch Journey
18 Inch Journey from APlacefortheHeart on Vimeo. This is cool: Created by Jonathan and Melissa Helser, The 18″ Journey is a 60-day immersion into the heart of God. www.18inchjourney.com jonathanhelser.com
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
My wife (Becki) and I shot this video for our church’s Thanksgiving banquet this year. I’m giving away a free MP3 download of the song too. Download it here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Rosie Interviews Leonard Jones
Great interview. I love the things that Leonard’s getting into these days, with the Levite Praise Institute, etc. Here he talks about church musicians being spontaneous, creative, prophetic, and, dare I say it…well rehearsed!
Tabernacle of David Trip Pics
Well, it only took me a year, but I finally loaded some pics from the Tabernacle of David – Then & Now Worship Tour I was a part of in the spring of 2010. This was an incredible trip, and it really is mind-boggling how crucial the tie between worship music and Israel will be…
Ordering CD’s…
I’ve had my first album, Into the River, available on iTunes for almost a year. I’m working on getting the album CD’s available too…if you want one in the meantime, let me know, and we can work something out. Thanks, Dave
Welcome to the New Site!
I’m launching this new site to have a better place to post mp3’s, chord charts, pics, blogs, etc. Thanks so much for stopping by. Please bookmark it before you leave, and don’t forget to listen to some tracks before you go too!

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